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灵魂之座花精能量香水 – 寻找真正的力量



  • 找到真正的力量
  • 成为真实的自己
  • 实现人生目标
  • 净化环境磁场
  • 增加对生命意义的认知




No. 9 Flower Essence Energy Perfume – Discover Your True Power

Infused with Amethyst, Clear Quartz, and other elements, this perfume helps you find your inner strength, be your true self, achieve life goals, and purify your environment.


  • Discover your true power
  • Be your authentic self
  • Achieve life goals
  • Purify your environment
  • Enhance understanding of life’s purpose

Instructions for Use:

Use four times daily, spraying twice on the chest each time. You can also spray on the wrists, reflex zones, or mix into massage oil or body lotion. Avoid sunlight and hot environments to prevent spoilage. Non-addictive and side-effect free. Reduce usage if discomfort occurs.

Harness spiritual power to connect with the universe and infuse positive energy.

100ml 12ml 30ml
SKU 040406
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  • 找到自己真正的力量:使用这款香水可能能够帮助你连接更高的灵性领域,从中获得更深层次的力量和洞察力,帮助你认识到内在潜能和能力。
  • 成为真正的自己:这款香水据称可以帮助你更好地认识自己,找到真实的自我,并融入自己独特的个性,让你更加真实和自信地生活。
  • 实现人生目标:使用这款香水可能有助于帮助你明确人生目标,并提供一种积极的心态和动力,让你更有可能朝着目标迈进。
  • 净化环境磁场:这款香水可能能够净化周围环境的能量场,创造一个更清洁和和谐的空间,有利于提高内心的平静和集中力。
  • 增加对生命意义的认知:使用这款香水可能有助于帮助你从更高的灵性领域获取对生命意义、生命蓝图和目的的理解,让你更加明确自己在世的意义和使命。




  • 每日使用4次(上午、中午、晚上和睡前),每次喷2次於胸前。
  • 你也可以喷在手腕、反射區或加入到按摩油、身體霜當中使用
  • 或者喷入4次到擴香儀、噴霧瓶中使用。


  • 花精香水保存上應避免置於陽光或炎熱環境,以免腐敗。
  • 花精香水使用上不會造成任何依賴性,亦無任何副作用。
  • 若有不適症狀或負面情緒,屬於冥眩反應,使用上可以減半。

No. 9 Flower Essence Energy Perfume

Purify Your Environmental Energy Field

Transform your surroundings into a serene sanctuary with the No. 9 Flower Essence Energy Perfume. This essence is infused with profound purifying energy to help clear cluttered energies in your environment. Create a tranquil atmosphere, allowing you to achieve inner balance and peace in a fresh and clean space.

Key Benefits:

  1. Environmental Purification:
    Clears negative and stagnant energies from your surroundings, creating a harmonious and peaceful environment.
  2. Emotional Balance:
    The calming properties of the perfume help soothe your mind and emotions, promoting a sense of well-being.
  3. Energy Protection:
    Shields your personal space from negative influences, maintaining a positive and uplifting atmosphere.

Main Ingredients:

  • White Sage: Known for its powerful cleansing properties, it purifies the environment and removes negative energy.
  • Lavender: Renowned for its calming and relaxing effects, it helps create a serene and peaceful ambiance.
  • Palo Santo: Used traditionally for its purifying and protective qualities, it enhances spiritual connection and clears the space of negative influences.

Instructions for Use:

  • Daily Use: Spray the perfume around your living or working space daily to maintain a clean and positive energy field.
  • Before Meditation: Use before meditation sessions to create a calm and focused environment.
  • During Stressful Times: Spray the perfume to help alleviate stress and anxiety, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility.

Intimate Reminder:

  • Keep the flower essence and perfume away from direct sunlight or hot environments to prevent deterioration.
  • Using the flower essence perfume will not cause any dependence or side effects.
  • If you experience any discomfort or negative emotions, reduce the usage by half.

Experience the purifying power of the No. 9 Flower Essence Energy Perfume and transform your environment into a peaceful and harmonious sanctuary. Let this essence guide you towards inner balance and well-being.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg

100ml, 12ml, 30ml

1 review for 9号花精能量香水
  1. admin

    Good Product

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