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脉轮花精香水套装 Chakra Flower Essence Perfume Set


脉轮花精香水套组 – 平衡与和谐


  1. 海底轮: 接地与稳定(红碧玉,岩兰草)
  2. 生殖轮: 创造力(红玛瑙,依兰)
  3. 太阳神经丛轮: 自信(黄水晶,柠檬)
  4. 心轮: 爱与和谐(玫瑰石英,玫瑰)
  5. 喉轮: 沟通与表达(蓝蕾丝玛瑙,薄荷)
  6. 眉心轮: 直觉与洞察(紫水晶,薰衣草)
  7. 顶轮: 灵性觉醒(白水晶,乳香)
  8. 灵魂之星: 净化(白水晶,没药)
  9. 灵魂之座: 显化(赤铁矿,广藿香)


Chakra Flower Essence Perfume Set – Balance and Harmony

Achieve holistic well-being with our set of nine chakra essences, each crafted to enhance specific energies:

  1. Root Chakra: Grounding (Red Jasper, Vetiver)
  2. Sacral Chakra: Creativity (Carnelian, Ylang-Ylang)
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Confidence (Citrine, Lemon)
  4. Heart Chakra: Love (Rose Quartz, Rose)
  5. Throat Chakra: Communication (Blue Lace Agate, Peppermint)
  6. Third Eye Chakra: Intuition (Amethyst, Lavender)
  7. Crown Chakra: Enlightenment (Clear Quartz, Frankincense)
  8. Soul Star Chakra: Purification (Clear Quartz, Myrrh)
  9. Earth Star Chakra: Manifestation (Hematite, Patchouli)

Use daily for balance and enlightenment.

12ml 30ml
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1号海底轮花精能量香水 – 恢复根基 恢复和平衡您的海底轮能量,帮助您建立坚实的内在根基。这瓶香水将带您进入一个稳定、充实的状态,从而创造一个更加安心的生活。

2号生殖輪花精能量香水 – 创造生命力 激活您的生殖輪,让生命力充满您的身体和心灵。这瓶香水将帮助您连接自己的创造能量,为自己和周围的世界注入活力。

3号太陽神經叢輪花精能量香水 – 自信光芒 点燃太陽神經叢輪的光芒,增强您的自信和决心。这瓶香水将帮助您散发出内在的阳光,克服挑战,追求更高的目标。

4号心轮花精能量香水 – 爱与和谐 平衡心轮,让爱与和谐在您的生活中流淌。这瓶香水将助您敞开心扉,与他人建立深刻的情感联系,体验真挚的爱和平静。

5号喉轮花精能量香水 – 自由表达 激活喉轮,让您的自由表达之声畅快流淌。这瓶香水将帮助您找到自己独特的声音,自信地传递想法和情感。

6号眉心輪花精能量香水 – 觉醒洞察 开启眉心輪,提升洞察力和直觉。这瓶香水将引导您进入更深层次的思考,帮助您做出明智的决策。

7号頂輪花精能量香水 – 连接宇宙 连接宇宙能量,启发您的灵性成长。这瓶香水将带您通向更高维度的意识,感受宇宙的智慧和指引。

8号灵魂之星花精能量香水 – 净化身体磁场 犹如夜空中闪烁的星辰,8号花精香水将引导您净化身体的磁场,消除累积的负面情绪和压力。这瓶香水为您带来一股清新的流动感,让身体感受到宁静和放松,焕发出清澈的能量。

9号灵魂之座花精能量香水 – 净化环境磁场 将您的环境转化为一个清净的避难所,9号花精香水蕴含着深邃的净化能量,能够帮助您清除周围环境的杂乱能量。这瓶香水将营造一个宁静的氛围,帮助您在清新的环境中实现内心的平衡。



  • 每日使用4次(上午、中午、晚上和睡前),每次喷2次於胸前。
  • 你也可以喷在手腕、反射區或加入到按摩油、身體霜當中使用
  • 或者喷入4次到擴香儀、噴霧瓶中使用。


  • 花精香水保存上應避免置於陽光或炎熱環境,以免腐敗。
  • 花精香水使用上不會造成任何依賴性,亦無任何副作用。
  • 若有不適症狀或負面情緒,屬於冥眩反應,使用上可以減半。

Harness the Power of Chakras to Elevate Your Life

In this Chakra Flower Essence Perfume Set, we offer you the aromatic energy of the nine chakras. Each bottle is infused with the essence of natural power, designed to balance and enhance various aspects of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Let us explore the unique qualities of each chakra perfume together:

1. Root Chakra – Stability and Security

  • Description: Ground yourself and feel secure with the Root Chakra essence, promoting stability and a strong foundation.
  • Main Ingredients: Red Jasper and Vetiver, known for grounding and stabilizing properties, enhancing your sense of security and connection to the earth.

2. Sacral Chakra – Creativity and Sensuality

  • Description: Ignite your creativity and embrace your sensuality with the Sacral Chakra essence, encouraging passion and emotional balance.
  • Main Ingredients: Carnelian and Ylang-Ylang, which stimulate creativity and emotional well-being, enhancing your connection to your creative and sensual self.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra – Confidence and Power

  • Description: Boost your confidence and personal power with the Solar Plexus Chakra essence, fostering self-esteem and determination.
  • Main Ingredients: Citrine and Lemon, known for their energizing and empowering effects, helping you to assert your personal power and confidence.

4. Heart Chakra – Love and Compassion

  • Description: Open your heart to love and compassion with the Heart Chakra essence, promoting emotional healing and harmonious relationships.
  • Main Ingredients: Rose Quartz and Rose, renowned for their ability to open the heart and enhance love and compassion, fostering emotional connection and healing.

5. Throat Chakra – Communication and Expression

  • Description: Enhance your communication and self-expression with the Throat Chakra essence, encouraging clear and authentic expression.
  • Main Ingredients: Blue Lace Agate and Peppermint, which support communication and clarity, helping you to express your true self with confidence.

6. Third Eye Chakra – Intuition and Insight

  • Description: Deepen your intuition and insight with the Third Eye Chakra essence, promoting clarity and spiritual awareness.
  • Main Ingredients: Amethyst and Lavender, known for their ability to enhance intuition and spiritual insight, helping you to connect with your inner wisdom.

7. Crown Chakra – Enlightenment and Connection

  • Description: Connect with your higher self and the divine with the Crown Chakra essence, fostering spiritual enlightenment and connection.
  • Main Ingredients: Clear Quartz and Frankincense, which support spiritual connection and enlightenment, helping you to transcend the physical and connect with the divine.

8. Soul Star Chakra – Purification and Spiritual Expansion

  • Description: Like the twinkling stars in the night sky, the Soul Star Chakra essence guides you in purifying your body’s energy field, eliminating accumulated negative emotions and stress. This essence brings a refreshing flow, allowing your body to feel serene and relaxed, radiating clear and vibrant energy.
  • Main Ingredients: Clear Quartz and Myrrh, known for their purifying and calming properties, enhancing spiritual expansion and cleansing.

9. Earth Star Chakra – Grounding and Manifestation

  • Description: Ground your energy and manifest your dreams with the Earth Star Chakra essence, connecting you deeply with the earth’s supportive energy.
  • Main Ingredients: Hematite and Patchouli, which help ground your energy and support the manifestation of your desires.

Instructions for Use

Use four times a day (morning, noon, evening, and before bed), spraying twice on the chest each time. You can also spray it on your wrists, reflexology areas, or add it to massage oils and body creams. Alternatively, spray four times into a diffuser or spray bottle.

Intimate Reminder

Flower essence and perfume should be kept away from sunlight or hot environments to avoid deterioration. Using flower essence perfume will not cause any dependence or side effects. If you experience discomfort or negative emotions, this is a desensitization reaction and you can reduce the usage by half.

Experience the harmonious balance of your chakras with our Chakra Flower Essence Perfume Set, and let each essence guide you towards a balanced, fulfilled, and enlightened life.

Additional information


12ml, 30ml


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