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五行花精能量香水套装 Five Element Flower Essence Energy Perfume Set


五行花精香水套组 – 用元素的力量塑造生命的魅力


  1. 金元素 – 温柔的力量: 带来和谐与平衡,温柔引领人际关系。
  2. 木元素 – 事业之光: 提升心智清晰度,照亮事业前行之路。
  3. 水元素 – 富贵智慧: 激发创造力,注入无限可能。
  4. 火元素 – 爱神之炽: 自由表达情感,丰富情感体验。
  5. 土元素 – 繁荣之源: 帮助实现梦想,达到事业和财富的高峰。



Five Element Flower Essence Perfume Set – Harness the Power of Elements to Shape the Charm of Life

Balance and enhance your life with the fragrant energy of five elements:

  1. Gold Element – Gentle Power: Brings harmony and balance, gently leading relationships.
  2. Wood Element – Career Light: Enhances mental clarity and illuminates your career path.
  3. Water Element – Rich Wisdom: Unleashes creativity and injects infinite possibilities.
  4. Fire Element – Eros Flame: Freely expresses emotions and enriches emotional experiences.
  5. Earth Element – Prosperity Source: Helps realize dreams and achieve career and wealth success.

Daily use infuses the power of the elements into your life, guiding you on a wonderful life journey.

12ml 30ml
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  1. 金元素—温柔的力量 让温柔成为你引领世界的方式。这瓶含有金元素的花精香水,轻柔地引入你生活中的贵人,带来和谐与平衡。在平静中体现力量,用温柔的力量开启人际关系,创造美好的连接。
  2. 木元素—事业之光 如同早晨的阳光,这瓶木元素花精香水专注于您的事业和专注力。增强心智清晰度,照亮前行的道路。释放内在潜能,让事业之光灿烂发光,引领您走向成功的人生旅程。
  3. 水元素—富贵智慧 创造和构思的源泉存在于水元素的智慧中。富贵智慧花精灌注您的意识创造能量,帮助您超越思维的界限。如水般流动,释放创造力的源泉,为您的生活注入无限可能。
  4. 火元素—爱神之炽 爱神之炽燃烧着灵魂的火焰,爱神花精香水是爱情和情感的代言。勇于自由表达情感,丰富情感关系。释放心中的激情,让爱的能量在您的生活中流动,为您创造丰富而满足的情感体验。
  5. 土元素—繁荣之源 在这瓶土元素花精中,梦想和目标在现实中变为现实。释放渴望成功和繁荣的能量。如同哺育万物的大地,繁荣花精香水可以帮助您实现梦想,达到事业和财富的高峰。



每天四次(早上、中午、晚上及睡前),每次在胸前喷两次。 您也可以喷在手腕、反射区或添加至按摩油和身体乳中。 或者在香薰机或喷雾瓶中喷四次。


花精和香水应远离阳光或热环境,以避免变质。 使用花精香水不会造成任何依赖,也无任何副作用。 如果有不适或负面情绪症状,这是脱敏反应,可以减半使用。

Harness the Power of Elements to Shape the Charm of Life

In this Five Element Flower Essence Perfume Set, we present you with the fragrant energy of five different elements. Each bottle captures the essence of natural power, helping you balance and enhance various aspects of your life. Let us explore the unique charm of each bottle together:

Gold Element – Gentle Power:
Make gentleness your way to lead the world. This gold element flower essence perfume gently introduces benefactors into your life, bringing harmony and balance. Embody strength in calmness, and use gentle power to open relationships and create beautiful connections.

Wood Element – Career Light:
Like the morning sun, this wood element flower essence perfume focuses on your career and concentration. Enhance mental clarity and illuminate the path ahead. Release your inner potential and let the light of your career shine brightly, guiding you to a successful life journey.

Water Element – Rich Wisdom:
The source of creation and conception lies in the wisdom of the water element. Rich Wisdom flower essence infuses your conscious creative energy, helping you transcend the boundaries of your thinking. Flow like water, unleash the fountain of creativity, and inject infinite possibilities into your life.

Fire Element – Eros Flame:
Eros Flame burns with the fire of the soul, and this flower essence perfume is the embodiment of love and emotion. Dare to express emotions freely and enrich your emotional relationships. Release the passion in your heart, let the energy of love flow in your life, and create a rich and fulfilling emotional experience.

Earth Element – Prosperity Source:
In this bottle of earth element flower essence, dreams and goals become reality. Unleash the energy of desire to attract success and prosperity. Like the earth nurturing all things, Prosperity flower essence perfume can help you realize your dreams and reach the pinnacle of career and wealth.

Each bottle of flower essence perfume reflects the five elements in your life, integrating balance, success, creativity, emotion, and prosperity into your daily life. No matter what you pursue, the Five Element Flower Essence Perfume Set will be your partner in achieving a wonderful life journey.

Instructions for Use

Use four times a day (morning, noon, evening, and before bed), spraying twice on the chest each time. You can also spray it on your wrists, reflexology areas, or add it to massage oils and body creams. Alternatively, spray four times into a diffuser or spray bottle.

Intimate Reminder

Flower essence and perfume should be kept away from sunlight or hot environments to avoid deterioration. Using flower essence perfume will not cause any dependence or side effects. If you experience discomfort or negative emotions, this is a desensitization reaction and you can reduce the usage by half.

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12ml, 30ml


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