+ 信任,敞開心接受情感親密與溫柔
+ 愛如泉湧
+ 感到自己很美好,身心協調
× 覺得缺少愛的豐富、開放與自由
× 在親密關係中表現拘謹、難為情
× 在情感關係中缺乏自信
自然流露天生的 同理心、敏感和溫柔,有能力 運用理解、感受、適應力與想 像力,以創造和諧的情感關係
- 每日使用4次(上午、中午、晚上和睡前),每次喷2次於胸前。
- 你也可以喷在手腕、反射區或加入到按摩油、身體霜當中使用
- 或者喷入4次到擴香儀、噴霧瓶中使用。
- 花精香水保存上應避免置於陽光或炎熱環境,以免腐敗。
- 花精香水使用上不會造成任何依賴性,亦無任何副作用。
- 若有不適症狀或負面情緒,屬於冥眩反應,使用上可以減半。
+ Trust and Open Your Heart to Emotional Intimacy and Gentleness
+ Love Flows Abundantly
+ Feel Wonderful About Yourself, Harmonizing Body and Mind
× Feeling Lacking in Richness, Openness, and Freedom of Love
× Reserved and Self-Conscious in Intimate Relationships
× Lacking Confidence in Emotional Relationships
Naturally express inherent empathy, sensitivity, and gentleness, with the ability to use understanding, feeling, adaptability, and imagination to create harmonious emotional relationships.
Instructions for Use:
Use four times daily (morning, noon, evening, and before bed), spraying twice on the chest each time. You can also spray on the wrists, reflex zones, or mix into massage oil or body lotion. Alternatively, spray four times into a diffuser or spray bottle for use.
Friendly Reminder:
To preserve flower essence perfumes, avoid placing them in sunlight or hot environments to prevent spoilage. Flower essence perfumes do not cause dependency and have no side effects. If you experience discomfort or negative emotions, it may be a healing crisis reaction; you can halve the usage.
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